By Sector


Share Multiple Apparel Design Iterations Side-by-Side in Meetings

More Insightful

Ideation Sessions

Bring in multiple drawings, insights and invoices in one place. You have the key to the command center for your entire collection.

Better consider consumer sentiment by viewing multiple designs at once, considering sustainability, procurement and labour all in one place.

Discover improved digital collaboration with Laduma’s multi-device sharing and intelligent whiteboard capabilities.

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Fashion Sector


Our range of all-in-one Meeting-as-a-Service solutions are designed to help you achieve better hybrid meeting experiences in style:

  • Design Review – Share and compare any number of designs in digital meetings side-by-side for easier review and creative alignment.
  • Specialist Tools – Seamlessly bring your design tools into digital meetings and collaborate on your latest creation in real time.
  • Brainstorming – Sketch out your latest design ideas as a team – irrespective of location – on shared digital canvases.
  • Creativity Hubs – Display the latest consumer research, designs, trends or even immersive landscapes on to the walls to inspire creative thinking.

Harness Your Collective Creativity

Ideas spring from unlikely places. An exchange. An experience. An unexpected event. But all inspiration begins with people coming together.

Our digital meetings provide the platform for creative team collaboration – wherever you are.

Share multiple apparel or accessory design iterations side-by-side in meetings. Project them full-wall in a meeting room. Or pull them up on the device of your choice.

Brainstorm and annotate digital canvases with your team in real-time across multiple locations to ensure your creative direction stays in harmony.


Discover the true power of your existing conference and collaboration tools by integrating them with Laduma.
Document sharing
Deliver more insightful and informative meetings by seamlessly bringing the tools and tech you need to support your objectives.


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