Business Challenge

Creativity & Innovation

Transform Brainwaves into Breakthroughs – Wherever You Are

Harness Your People’s Potential

Human interaction is the creative spark behind every great idea.

Creativity is a collective effort – it only works when people can come together and build together. When people can capture their best ideas as a group, critiquing and tracking iterations along the way.

In hybrid and remote environments, teams must adapt how they collaborate, ideate and innovate. Humans have evolved to interact in 3D – not with a wall of faces on a screen.

Put simply, asynchronous collaboration tools and video conferencing alone is imply not a sustainable way of working for creative teams.

Collaboration &

Nurture a culture of innovation.

Read our insights pages for best practice advice on hybrid collaboration.

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Capture Every Lightbulb Moment

Laduma provide digital meeting spaces where creative teams can come together and collaborate – naturally.

We provide infinite digital canvases where teams can simultaneously create their vision all in real-time – wherever they are. Layout your project roadmap. Share wireframes. Display CAD drawings; project plans and specifications, all in one place.

Our multi-functional spaces ensure you are never limited by technology. Transform your four walls into your canvas and write directly on the walls as if they were whiteboards.

When you are done, instantly wipe the walls clean at the click of a button. Then, pick up your project again on the go from a laptop or mobile touchscreen device.

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Further Reading

For Real-time Collaboration
Learn how we provide an infinite digital canvas for your team to collectively create their vision – irrespective of location.
Share Unlimited
Designs, Documents & Data
Learn more about how Laduma empowers you to simultaneously share any number of design iterations or ideas to inspire your team.


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